Your Golden Years Should Rule!
Your guide for overcoming late-life challenges, no matter your financial situation.
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About the Author

Dr. Lee Penn, PhD

Psychologist, Dr. Lee Penn, has over a decade working with hundreds of patients in the later stages of life. He has worked in a variety of settings, including the Veterans Affairs administration, nursing homes, private practice offices, and academic departments. Currently he is a professor at Spalding University, where he teaches future psychologists and furthers his research into matters affecting older individuals.

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Golden Rules of Retirement Cover
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The Golden Rules of Life Satisfaction
In this new release, Dr. Penn builds upon his knowledge of thriving throughout the lifespan to help you maintain a positive mood over time, no matter your age. There's never a better time than the present to build sustainable meaning and enjoyment into your life. Why just survive through your later years when you can thrive in your golden years?
Golden Rules of Retirement Cover
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The Golden Rules of Retirement
In this new release, Dr. Penn combines research and his experience working with retirees to create a simple yet effective guide for thriving in retirement, no matter your financial situation. Whether you are already retired or looking ahead to the future, you too can turn your retirement years into golden years!


What are some things I can do to have a better mood?


There are a lot of tiny changes anyone can make to feel more positive. Exercising, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, spending time with others, prioritizing positive thoughts, mindfulness techniques, and engaging with personally meaningful activities have all been shown to improve mood.

Is getting depressed just a normal part of getting older?


What factors contribute to depression and low mood?


What is retirement?


How much money do I need to retire?


Who can contribute to a Roth-IRA?


How can I plan for retirement?


What could I do with my time in retirement?


Is there anything I could be doing now to prepare for retirement?

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